Rebuilding schools in Nepal in village Chapp, Hetauda. CEPP, KULeuven, BIKAS
The earthquake of April – May 2015 has left a big impact in the lives of the Nepali people and flattened the symbols of human creation – built structures, both contemporary and historic. Many people have lost their homes and still find themselves in a daily struggle to protect them from rain and cold. Among all these individual tragedies, most of the public structures such as health centres and schools did not receive priority. They are beyond the means of a single family or an individual household. Schools are the most negatively affected service in the quake hit areas including Raigaun area. Response has been slow so far.
The ambition of the ‘The Ideal School’ project is twofold: it is about the (re-)construction of school buildings and the re-vitalizing of the schooling process in the Raigaun area as a whole. This double focus is important because new (better) schools being built without strengthening the accountability of the teachers and the participation of the parents would again result in an inefficient use of (scarce) recourses.
partners: KULeuven . CEPP . Centre for Educational Policies and Practices . Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen
Klaas Vanslembrouck . VIK architects . dr. Hilde Bouchez . Tom Callebaut . TC plus . Wart Thys . Lin Seminck . Ignaas Back . BACK architects